£0.00 Make Great Up Front Money and Huge Monthly Residual Income For Years T

Make Great Up Front Money and Huge Monthly Residual Income For Years T

Ads №: 102427 Added on: 2024-11-29
Categorie: private
Subcategory: Services > Other services
Price: £0.00
Added by: Apurbo90
We are in the credit Card processing business. That is where we set businesses up to be able to process credit cards. I have been in the business for over 32 years. I set up a restaurant 32 years ago and I have been getting over $700.00 in monthly residual income from that one account for over 32 years. That amounts to over $268,800.00 from that one account so far. Have you ever made that much money from one sale?
You are paid $200.00 per sale and in the second month your monthly residual income starts coming in. Most of our people are making between 20 to 30 or more sales per month. In the last year in the United States over 5,500,000 new businesses started up. You are provided between 400 to 600 leads monthly of new businesses that started up in the last week.
If you might be interested in doing business with us send us your email address. Mention the following:
“Credit Card”
Email: [email protected]
Views: 194