£2.80 Matte Velvety Slim Lip Liner Pencil

Matte Velvety Slim Lip Liner Pencil

Ads №: 87722 Added on: 2024-01-25
Categorie: private
Subcategory: Fashion / Аrt > Various flea markets
Price: £2.80
Phone: 8615989957047
Added by: jaxliang
✓ Lip Shape Enhancement: Can be used to subtly alter the shape of your lips. They allow you to emphasize or correct the natural lip line, helping create the appearance of fuller lips or a more balanced lip shape.
✓ Color Coordination: Lip liners are available in a wide range of shades that complement various lipstick colors. They can be used to match or enhance the shade of your lipstick, creating a cohesive and polished makeup look.
✓ Longevity and Preventing Feathering: Lip liners serve as a barrier that helps prevent lipstick or lip gloss from bleeding or feathering outside the lip line. They help enhance the longevity of your lip color, ensuring it stays in place throughout the day.
Event details: https://lottieya.mystrikingly.com/
Online store:https://www.aliexpress.com/store/1103296013?spm=a2g0o.detail.1000061.1.2df6XrLRXrLRn7
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