£1.00 Surya Engineering - MBT Coupler

Surya Engineering - MBT Coupler

Ads №: 77998 Added on: 2022-12-14
Categorie: business
Subcategory: Jobs Offers > Industry, Production & engineering
Price: £1.00
Phone: 9223446390
Added by: Suryaengineering2000
Surya Engineering simplifies the design of Bolted Coupler for the construction of reinforced concrete. This will reduce the number of required rebars. MBT Couplers are easy to install and achieve failure loads higher than 115% of the characteristic yield strength of the grade 500 TMT bar. Neither bar end preparation to form threads, nor bar rotating is required. MBT couplers can also be used to join imperial, plain round, or deformed reinforcing bars.
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