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Why strategic narratives are key to unlocking an engaged workforce

If you have disengaged employees, then it would not be far from the truth to say that your employees do not share your vision and mission. Of course, there are countless more antecedent variables that affect engagement including remunerations, benefits, line managers, organizational policies, macro economic climates, and so on. Even if you wave the wand and eliminate all these problems, disengagement could still be there if individuals do not have positive feelings about what their companies they are working for represent. So, does that mean that as 2024 almost arrives, should businesses begin preparing for Great Resignation version two? The solution, it is pointed out, hinges on strategic narratives. Read the complete article here- Why strategic narratives are key to unlocking an engaged workforce https://hrtechcube.com/strategic-narratives-workforce-engagement/
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Hyper Automation in HRTech: The Human+Machine Era 2025

Explore how hyper automation is revolutionizing HR. Discover the latest trends and technologies shaping human resource management for 2025 and beyond. In the constantly evolving and highly competitive business environment, the need for accurate operations and flexibility at the same time turned hyper automation into one of the most significant business enablers rather than a mere technological novelty. Hyper Automation is, in fact, not an addition but rather the rebirth of HRTech and thus, human resource management as we head towards 2025 and beyond. It helps enterprises break away from traditional paradigms to achieve higher efficiency, flexibility, and creativity levels. Read complete article- Hyper Automation in HRTech: The Human+Machine Era 2025 https://hrtechcube.com/hyperautomation-in-hrtech/
HR - Training - Education

HR Tech's Function in Linking Deskless Employees

As we’ve seen, the workplace continues to evolve in new and interesting ways, but one thing remains the same: the frontline team members’ importance. Generation of Frontline or deskless workers is also a large section of the population that is often understudied but is vital in organizations and inclusive of industries like retail, healthcare, and manufacturing. A recently released Microsoft Work Trend Index Special Report revealed that globally, 1.87 billion people are frontline workers, and 88 percent of organizations use them. It is All Real for the Frontline Team Member All of these frontline workers experience some sort of challenge that is harnessed to the office workers challenges but not similar in nature. The pandemic has given a sneak view of many of these severe, sometimes perilous, problems of frontline workers. Surprisingly, today many of these employees require such subsidized support in communication and interaction with other workers, relying for many aspects of their
Public Service Jobs Offer

Why Cybercriminals Place a High Value on Benefits Data

Learn practical strategies from Frank Mengert, CEO of ebm, on how HR teams can protect sensitive benefits data and strengthen cybersecurity measures in benefits administration. Protecting Employee benefits data is a prime target for cybercriminals, especially during open enrollment periods when a substantial volume of sensitive information is shared. Here’s why this data is valuable to cybercriminals: Read complete article- https://hrtechcube.com/strategies-to-protect-sensitive-data/
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Employees Need Certification Courses During the Holiday Season

The holiday season is ideal for increasing sales and consumer interaction while also focusing on unique worker development possibilities such as upskilling. HR departments that align employee development with the company's seasonal demands can boost productivity increases. As a result, upskilling not only promotes a culture of growth and retention, but also improves an organization's adaptability in a continuously changing market. Read complete article- https://hrtechcube.com/holiday-season-as-a-catalyst-for-upskilling/
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Top Four Tips for Strategizing a Successful Holiday Hiring

As the holiday season approaches, organizations are gearing up for the anticipated surge in demands by holiday hiring additional staff. These staff will help them with the rush of a busy holiday season, juggle the demands of products and aid customers in seeking out great deals and perfect gifts for everyone. Read complete article- https://hrtechcube.com/holiday-hiring-strategies/
HR - Training - Education

Why Aren’t Employees Using Mental Health Benefits?

Discover why employees aren’t using mental health benefits, the impact of workplace culture, and how empathy can drive greater utilization and well-being. In recent years, mental health has moved from the sidelines of workplace discussions to center stage. Business leaders and employees recognize its profound impact on productivity, employee retention, and overall workplace culture. Despite this enlightened understanding, data from our 2024 State of Workplace Empathy Study shows employees aren’t using the mental health benefits available to them—even when strong majorities say these benefits are highly important. Read the article - https://hrtechcube.com/employees-avoid-mental-benefits/
Marketing - Communication

Practical Strategies for Protecting Your Benefits Data

Learn practical strategies from Frank Mengert, CEO of ebm, on how HR teams can protect sensitive benefits data and strengthen cybersecurity measures in benefits administration. Read the article- https://hrtechcube.com/strategies-to-protect-sensitive-data/
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Guide: How Data and AI

Explore the dynamic connection between AI and quality data. Discover effective strategies to enhance your data for AI success, featuring insights from Natasha Lockwood, Senior Integrated Marketing Manager at Tealium. Read the complete article- Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Guide https://www.martechcube.com/artificial-intelligence-ai-and-data-guide/
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How to Build and Maintain a Sophisticated Marketing Budget

Beyond the basics, marketing budgets demand active attention and adaptability. Stephen Lackey shares keys for a high-impact strategy that evolves with your goals. Building and maintaining a marketing budget isn’t a once-a-year task. To get the most of your spend, you must combine careful planning with a willingness to pivot. Read complete article - https://www.martechcube.com/marketing-budget-mindset-shift/
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