
Flexosamine - COD - [ES]

CC 9:00-21:00 (GMT+1) No delivery: all islands All traffic sources allowed Target audience: male/female 35+
Health, Beauty

Elesse cream - COD - [RO]

CC Mon-Sun 9:00 - 21:00 TA: women 35-40+
Health, Beauty

Eroforce low price - CPA - [GT]

CC working hours: 17:00-06:00 local time Рекомендуемый таргет по возрасту от 35 лет. Использование рекламных материалов с государственной символикой министерств и ведомств, указание в рекламе учреждений, клиник, врачей и медийных личностей запрещено. Если вы хотите использовать одно из вышеперечисленных вариантов рекламы, то перед запуском необходимо согласовать это с вашим личным менеджером. Зоны доставки:
Health, Beauty

VitaCardio Free - CPA - [PL]

Call center working hours:08.00 - 21.00 GMT+2 Target audience:male/female 40+ No delivery restrictions No traffic sources restrictions Doctors are allowed to be used with fake names only The use of real names of institutions, names of doctors and celebrities is strictly prohibited
North Shields
Health, Beauty

PeniLarge - CPA - [TR] Enhancement

Strictly by agreement to use local celebrities and doctors! Call center working hours:Week Days:10:00-19:30 Saturdays:10:30-17:30 Sundays:11:00-19:00 (with half capacity) No targeting restrictions
Health, Beauty

Alpha Beast - CPA - [ES] Enhancement

CC working: Mon-Sun 9:00-21:00 Alpha Beast - this is a great way to start living an active sex life again. Increases libido, restores and improves potency for a long time, improves blood supply to the cavernous bodies. It increases excitability, restores the taste for sex, tones the body and gives endurance. Permitted approaches: medical, scientific, civil/social The traffic of clickunder, popunder, bulletin boards is prohibited It is forbidden to use the following traffic sources: - Violating the legislation of the Russian Federation; - Job placement services (active advertising systems, motivated traffic); - Spam mailings via e-mail, SMS and other information distribution channels; - Spam on social networks; - Clickunder and Popunder traffic; - Traffic from bulletin boards (Avito, Yula, etc.); - Cash back - it is forbidden to promise a discount to the client at the expense of the webmaster's remuneration;
North Shields
Health, Beauty

SnapOnSmile - CPA - [HR] WhiteHat

Call Center: Mon - Sat, 9:30 - 18:30h; Target audience: men/women 25+ All traffic sources acceptable No delivery restrictions
Health, Beauty

Prostamexil - COD - [PH] Prostatitis

CC from 09:00-22:00 Philippine time zone No targeting restrictions It is prohibited to use in advertising the names and appearance of real doctors and celebrities living or working in the territory of GEOprostatitis promo only
Health, Beauty

Prosteron - CPA - [DZ] Prostatitis

CC:10-00:00 (GMT+1) Prohibitions: Approve materials or take into account existing restrictions on materials: ⁃ Popular doctors,people in medical gowns ⁃ References to local authorities ⁃ Ministries ⁃ If they take a student,then according to the history of Preland, he had to come up with his product not at a local university,but somewhere abroad. ⁃ Popular personalities ⁃ Any mention that our product will completely relieve you of the disease.
Health, Beauty

Sex up - COD - [AR] Penis enlargement

СС Argentina 8 to 22hs GMT-3 It is prohibited to use doctors/celebrities in promo materials Prohibited to use dr.Cormillot
Health, Beauty